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NEW - Recumbent Bike

Our Recumbent Bike gives the rider a workout similar to a bicycle but in a laid back position, giving more support to the body. Using this cycling motion works the legs, strengthening and toning thigh and calf muscles. It will also get the heart rate up, burn calories and improve cardiovascular strength. The user can cycle at their own pace, making it suitable for all abilities, beginners to advanced. It's also great to use for a warm-up.

This equipment:

  • Gives an excellent cardiovascular workout
  • Improves balance and flexibility
  • Improves muscular strength and tone
  • Brilliant to use for warming up
  • Suitable from 11 years +


Our Recumbent Bike is clearly labelled with safety-in-use guidance and with suggested workouts to help users get the greatest benefit.

We are serious about safety and quality. All Fresh Air Fitness outdoor gym equipment is produced under ISO9001 for quality standards and management, and conforms to UK safety standards EN1176 & EN16630.


Built to last, this product comes with a 25 year guarantee on structural parts, a 5 year guarantee on paint and finishes and a 2 year guarantee on bearings and moving parts. Plastic parts and accessories are covered for 1 year.

For further advice on how to incorporate this equipment into your outdoor gym plan, please call us.
